Access the group classes in a more affordable way with our NEW MEMBERSHIPS. · Access the group classes in a more affordable way with our NEW MEMBERSHIPS. · Access the group classes in a more affordable way with our NEW MEMBERSHIPS. ·
Access the group classes in a more affordable way with our NEW MEMBERSHIPS. · Access the group classes in a more affordable way with our NEW MEMBERSHIPS. · Access the group classes in a more affordable way with our NEW MEMBERSHIPS. ·
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We have a new work portal (and it's impressive)

The Viviane Pilates team and I have been working hard over the last months to make some internal changes to our organisation, tasks and systems. Most of them you won't even notice, but there is one I'm going to show you.

We've been using the Notion platform for years, but 8 months ago we hired some designers to redesign our space and customise it to the team's needs. We recently launched our new Notion portal and the team received training this week to learn how to use it.

We are totally in love with how it turned out!

Within that portal there are many databases, task and project managers, workspaces for each person on the team, planning and organisation tools, the studio services, class programmes, the content of our meetings, the calendar of our vacations, and sooo much more.

 And you will ask yourself, why does this matter to you as a client?

Well, because if we work more efficiently as a team, we work happier, and we reduce a little the time that administration, marketing, finance, etc. tasks take from us, we can dedicate that time to developing our services and offering you a better quality of classes.

Therefore, it benefits you indirectly.

We already worked well and very organised before despite being a team of 5 people. Just imagine how amazing it will be from now on! 😱

If you have any questions or want more information about the classes, feel free to message me privately on my Instagram account and I’ll be happy to assist you personally.

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