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The Importance of Pilates in Injury Rehabilitation

¿Sabías que entre el 15% y el 30% de los europeos sufren algún tipo de lesión relacionada con la práctica de deportes o actividades físicas cada año?

It's a significant number, isn't it?

Pero es que, además, si consideramos todo tipo de lesiones (domésticas, laborales, deportivas, de tráfico, etc.), este porcentaje podría estar fácilmente por encima del 50%, dado que las lesiones menores son bastante comunes.

Si tú estás en esa mitad de la población, te interesará saber que en nuestras clases privadas 1:1 online entrenamos y rehabilitamos a alumnos/as con una gran variedad de lesiones.

These are some of the injuries we are currently rehabilitating:

■ knee reconstruction surgeries
■ acetabular labrum tear at the hip
■ ankle or wrist sprain
■ shoulder rotator cuff tear
■ gluteal and hamstring tendinopathy
■ cervicalgia
■ pelvic floor hypertonia/hypotonia
■ diastasis recti
■ and many more...

Here you can see two of our clients who are currently following a therapeutic Pilates programme in 1:1 PRIVATE CLASSES, combined with their physiotherapy sessions.

At Viviane Pilates we believe in the comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to your health and well-being.

We are rehabilitating Debbie from an acetabular labrum tear in the hip and gluteal tendinopathy. She now lives with very little pain and is able to do the challenging strength exercises she did before the injury.

We are rehabilitating Estela from (heavy) knee reconstruction surgery and other complications that arose after the surgery at the cardiovascular level. In just a few months she has made a lot of progress and is able to walk longer distances.

One thing they both have in common is that we are training their FEET a lot, because it is something that is very related to their injuries.

We have used toe separators, strengthened the plantar fascia, trained ankle mobility and stability, improved balance and grip (for example, picking up a pen from the floor, like Debbie does in the photo below).

Your feet are your base of support for carrying out all your daily activities (and your life in general!). Any joint in the upper structure will be affected if you do not have a stable and strong base.

If you want to rehabilitate your injury but have questions, please contact me on Instagram and I will be happy to assist you personally.

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