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Boost your employees’ energy and improve their performance in the office


Boost your employees’ energy and improve their performance in the office


Office work doesn’t have to be synonymous with a sedentary lifestyle.

Nor with an accumulation of stress in the body.

And certainly not with muscle tension and back pain.

All this can be changed with good postural hygiene and simple habits to lead a more active life.

You can keep moving while working in front of a computer - you just need to know how!

Your body and mind will thank you with positive feelings and improved performance.


Take a look at all the benefits Corporate Pilates bring to your organisation


Pilates strengthens the postural muscles that keep us upright, improving posture, avoiding pain, and at the same time helping to rehabilitate injuries, lower back pain, neck pain etc.


Pilates helps develop aerobic fitness and stimulates the parts of the brain that contribute to improved memory, attention and concentration.


Pilates exercises and movements, along with working on the breath, calm the nervous system. This helps manage stress and cope with unfavourable circumstances.


Exercise helps boost physical and mental energy, has a positive impact on self-esteem and improves mood. This lets you give your best at work.


A shared activity like training can bring teammates together and allow them to socialise. This synergy will transfer directly to the workplace and strengthen the relationships they develop.


Pilates helps create a positive mental attitude, so that employees stay engaged in their work and develop resilience in a challenging work environment.


As well as...

Studies have shown that an investment in wellbeing has a return of over 100% in the medium and long term.

One reason for this is that it reduces the cost of employee illness and sick leave.

The benefits of introducing a practice such as Pilates into the office become obvious in a short space of time: healthier and more productive workers.

Because when you feel energised and pain-free, it’s easier for the brain to stay focused for longer periods of time and perform tasks efficiently.

What’s more, our Pilates classes have an impact beyond the time spent exercising each week. In the sessions, we teach employees to correct a number of bad habits related to health, posture and rest, which in turn influence their performance at work.


How do I introduce Corporate Pilates into my organisation?

Weekly Pilates classes for employees

Online or in-person, for 30 minutes or 1 hour. Tailor-made for each group, personalised and with follow-up sessions. You can choose between exercise routines at the desk, or classic Pilates Matwork routines on the floor. 

Pilates Events

Regular or single events as often as you would like. Keep in mind that results are better with more frequent sessions.

Workshops on healthy habits in the office

In combination with Pilates classes to combat a sedentary lifestyle. I teach how best to use the desk and explain alternatives to using a chair to maintain good postural hygiene when sitting and standing, and how to add movement into your day while working at a desk.

All proposals are tailored and customised to the needs of each company, and always with a focus on achieving goals

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